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Does morning breakfast cause gas?

 Does Morning Breakfast Cause Gas?

Does Morning Breakfast Cause Gas- The answer is yes, if you do not follow the proper way of taking breakfast and also the proper breakfast foods, then you must suffer from the gas problem.
Gas Problem 

Never eat an empty stomach in the morning

Never eat an empty stomach in the morning.
In an urgency to run to the office, do you also eat anything on an empty stomach in the morning? If this is the case, be careful, because experts advise not to eat certain foods on an empty stomach. Let us know what are those foods, which nobody should eat on an empty stomach which will cause gas.
In the urgency run to office in the morning, we leave for office after eating anything empty stomach. Your habit may be overshadowed by your health. Experts refuse to eat certain things on an empty stomach. This fact has also been proved in recent research. No, we should know the foods which should never be taken on an empty stomach.

Spice food

One should never eat spicy or very rich things in the morning breakfast. This causes acidity in the stomach throughout the day and can also be the cause of ulcers.
Spicy food 

Soft drink
Never drink soft drinks especially cold drinks empty stomach. They contain high amounts of carbonate acid. It can cause severe discomfort consisting of stomach acid. Apart from this, you may also have to face the problem of gas and vomiting.
Soft drink

Cold drink
Even cold drinks, which we call cold beverages, should not be consumed on an empty stomach by mistake. Such as cold coffee or cold drinks etc. It damages the mucous membrane of your stomach, that is, the stomach membrane, which helps indigestion. Digestion is slowed by drinking cold drinks on an empty stomach. Instead, you can start your day by drinking warm green tea or light warm water.
Cold drink 

Citrus fruit
Do not eat citrus fruits. Do not eat such as orange, lemon, guava etc. on an empty stomach. This produces stomach acid. It is good that you will get fibre and fructose as well, but this will slow down your digestive system too. Therefore, do not eat them on an empty stomach and this will lead to the forming of gas.
Citrus fruit

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can also affect your health. Because of this, you may have acidity. Coffee inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid, due to which our digestive system runs properly and there is a problem of gastric.
Citrus fruit

If you are troubled by acidity, then eat watermelon for breakfast.
If you are troubled by acidity every day, then you should eat watermelon on empty stomach in the morning for breakfast. Watermelon keeps the body hydrated and improves digestion. The nutrients present in it provide many more vitamins to the body.
When food is not burnt properly, it produces gas and acidity. If carelessness is done in this, there may be many problems in future. 

Watermelon nutrients

In a study, it has concluded that Watermelon contains 8 per cent sugar and  92 per cent water. This dark red colour fruit is also known as the king of lycopene.
 It fulfils the shortage of water in the body. It is the largest source of Vitamin A, C and B6. Due to the beta carotene present in it, it reduces the risk of heart disease by repairing the cell. Watermelon is also rich in anti-oxidants.


 Benefits of Watermelon)

Remove acidity

Watermelon contains plenty of water. So if you are troubled by digestive problem then you should eat watermelon on empty stomach in the morning for breakfast. It helps in making digestive juices. It keeps the body hydrated. Also helps in lowering the pH levels. It is one of the home remedies to eliminate acidity or gas. Watermelon contains plenty of antioxidants and fibre.  

Lose weight

Watermelon is the best fruit for weight loss.  In watermelon, there is present an element called citrulline which is very useful in reducing fat from the body.  Fat forming cells are reduced by this fruit. During dieting, it can be a great option to intake water by taking watermelon.  Watermelon also contains vitamins and minerals.

Strength Immune system 

Vitamin C is found in plenty in watermelon. Vitamin C increases the resistance capacity of our body so that we stay from various infections and fever.

Eat this healthy food in acidity, you will get comfort

There is no definite timing of acidity. It also happens. If you are also often troubled by acidity and do not understand what to eat and what not to eat to avoid it, then we have brought here a list of all the things that you can get relief from acidity. They are:-

Banana has the highest strength to fight acidity. It contains natural antacid. Potassium-rich bananas should be eaten daily for people who have acidity. If there is a long gap between meals, you can eat a banana as a snack. If you eat bananas due to acidity and irritation in the stomach or throat, then you will get relief.

Basil leaf
Along with colds and colds, basil leaf is also ef1fective in relieving acidity. If there is too much acidity, if some basil leaves are eaten or boiled in water and drunk, then there is immediate relief of gas.
Basil leaf

It contains lactic acid, due to which acidity gets relief as soon as you drink buttermilk. If you have eaten very spicy or heavy food then drink roasted cumin and black pepper powder in buttermilk. This will not create acidity. You can also add curry leaves to it.

Coconut water
Coconut water maintains the pH level of the body on alkaline. Not only this, coconut water saves our stomach from its effects after becoming acid in the body.
Coconut water

Cold milk
If lactose does not suit you, drink cold milk. This will not produce gas in the stomach. Milk contains a good amount of calcium, so it does not allow the stomach to become acid. This is probably the best way to get instant relief from acidity.
Cold milk

After eating food, you must have seen many people eating fennel. This is because eating fennel after eating food does not produce gas in the stomach. If you are more prone to acidity, you can also drink fennel tea. This will also relieve swelling due to gas in the stomach.

Cardamom keeps stomach digestion right. It protects the inner part of our stomach from irritation. Whenever you feel that bloating is happening due to acidity in the stomach, eat two cardamom. You can also boil cardamom in hot water and drink it.

Jaggery contains magnesium and magnesium strengthens our intestines. Due to this, digestion improves. After eating food, eat jaggery.

Photo courtesy: pixabay and


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