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Fiber Rich Food

 Fiber Rich Food  

 Fiber rich food is connsidered very useful for the body. Fiber is very important for the stomach and for cleaning the intestines also. 

Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

In today's time, it is becoming a problem for everyone to keep their body healthy for a long time. Diabetes, B. P., Cholesterol, joint pain and abdominal discomfort begin to take birth as soon as you reach 30 years of age. If you remain conscious of your health from the beginning, then you can stay away from these diseases for a long time. For that  reason you need to add some Fiber rich food everyday in your daily breakfast or meal. 

What is fiber   

Fiber  is a food substance derived from plants that the enzymes present in the human body cannot digest. The fiber  adopted by us absorbs the moisture from the body and carries out the waste materials from the body. If you consume more than 30 grams of fiber in a day, then drink more water.
Fiber also works in digesting the food taken by us. Constipation, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, B P, diabetes and other stomach troubles start taking birth due to not taking the sufficient amount of fiber in your diet . Women require 25 grams of fiber per day, while men need 35 to 40 grams of fiber per day. But on an average, we are able to take only 15 grams of fiber a day. Therefore, every person needs to pay more attention to fiber rich food.

  It can be divided into two types on the basis of solubility. Fiber-rich foods include grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes such as beans and peas, etc. 

1.Soluble fiber: 
It dissolves in water and is metabolized (a chemical process to convert food into energy and waste products) by the good bacteria found in the intestine. It goes into the stomach and turns into a thick fluid. It works to make the stool soft, so that there is no problem of constipation.

This means that dissolving fiber prevents to forming cholesterol in the body.
Dissolving fiber is often said to contain more sugar and diabetics. It also maintains sugar level. 

2.Insoluble fiber: 
This type of fiber does not dissolve in water. This means that this kind of fiber neither breaks in the stomach nor dissolves in the blood. This helps in keeping the stomach clean.

 Non-soluble fiber is considered very beneficial for weight loss. Not only this, it also helps the gastric system to function properly. A person of middle youth must include 15 grams of fiber in his diet daily.

Before increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, make sure that you do not forget to keep the body fully hydrated. Fiber draws water into the intestines, which can cause a lack of water in the body. Therefore increase the amount of water in your diet. 

Role of fiber in our body?

Fiber collects food in the intestines. Eating a fiber-rich food reduces appetite, so it can help control weight. It can help strengthen digestive power as well as prevent problems like constipation. It can also be beneficial in preventing diverticalosis (inflammation or infection in the intestine), diabetes and heart disease .

Amount of Fiber  Needs ?

The amount of fiber require for both men and women is different , which is as follows:
For men: Men can consume 30 to 38 grams of fiber in a day.
For women: Women can consume 21 to 25 grams of fiber in a day.

These amounts are given on the basis of separate research. It is better that you contact your doctor before including fiber in your diet. This is because everyone's physical structure is different. Therefore, everyone's nutritional needs may vary.

Fiber-rich food and their benefit.

Some fiber rich foods and the benefits of consuming are described below:

The vegetables

Vegetables are a good source of many types of nutrients.  Therefore, they are beneficial for our health.  These nutrients also include fiber.  Here we are going to describe  about some vegetables, in which a good amount of fiber is found.  These fiber rich food  (vegetables) should included in our diet for the beneficial of our health.

Gourd: Gourd and its juice can be beneficial for good health.  It contains iron, phosphorus, zinc ,potassium,  magnesium, sodium ,copper,  vitamin-C, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin-B6 ,niacin,  pantothenic acid and vitamin-E along with fiber.  All these nutrients can be beneficial for health in many ways.  The fiber present in it can help to overcome the problem of constipation, flatulence and hemorrhoids.  While gourd juice can be beneficial for weight loss, a mixture of this juice and sesame oil can give beneficial results in baldness (hair loss).  It can also show better effect in the treatment of epilepsy , insomnia and other diseases.  In addition, it can be helpful in stone problems.  It is believed that regular intake of gourd juice for about 4-6 months can relieve heart diseases also.  Gourd can be consumed as a vegetable, halwa or juice. Fiber content: 4.45 grams  per 100 grams.
Raw Banana: According to a research published on NCBI website, Raw banana contains many nutrients like fiber, vitamin-B6, vitamin-C, provitamin-A, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and phenolic.  Therefore, the benefits of raw banana for health are many.  These benefits include reducing weight, good digestibility, eliminating gastrointestinal (intestinal) problems and controlling sugar .  Under fiber-rich food, it can be used to make vegetables. Fiber content: 2.6 grams  per 100 grams.          
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

Guar pods: Many people may not have eaten guar pods.  Even if there is a trench, let us tell that the benefits of guar pods used as a vegetable can have many benefits for health.  It contains many types of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, total fat, fiber, minerals, calcium, and sodium . According to a research published on the NCBI website, the consumption of guar beans may help to avoid or reduce symptoms such as diabetes, cholesterol and heart disease . It can be consumed in the form of powder, vegetable and juice.
 Fiber content: 77.3 grams per 100 grams.

Broccoli: Broccoli is a vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family.  According to research published on the website of ANCBI, broccoli is found to be rich in carbohydrates, iron, vitamin-E and C and many other nutrients, which are good for health . These nutrients make broccoli very beneficial for health.  It can also be beneficial in removing many problems.  Therefore, Broccoli can be consumed by making vegetables and juice .
 Fiber content: 2.6 grams per 100 grams .

Pumpkin: Pumpkin can be beneficial for good health.  Pumpkin is rich in nutrients such as protein, sugar, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin-C, thiamine, vitamin-B6, vitamin B, vitamin-A and vitamin-E . In addition, according to research published on the website of ANCBI, pumpkin contains anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic ie anti-carcinogenic properties, anti-inflammatory and many other important properties.  .  All these qualities can be beneficial for good health .  All these nutrients may be necessary for our daily nutrition.  It can be used for making vegetables as well as for making kheer and for making sweets also.
 Fiber content: 0.5 gram per 100 grams 
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

Legumes and Lentils

Legumes and lentils      quantity       fiber

Dal                                        1 cup        15.60 grams
Cashew nut                        18 nuts          0.9 gms
Lima beans                        1 cup        13.2 gms
Almond                                24 nuts        3.3 gms
Black beans                        1 cup        15.o gms
Pistachio                        47 nuts        2.9 gms
Cooked beans                1 cup        10.4 gms
Peanut                                 28 nuts         2.3 gms  
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

Grains and cereals
If grains and cereals are consumed in limited quantities, then they can provide many types of health benefits. 
Nutrients like protein, fiber and iron are found in them in good quantity. Therefore, consuming them may help reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and the risk of colorectal cancer. Below we are talking about the amount of fiber found in different types of grains and cereals .

Grain and Serials Quantity Fiber Volume

Bread                           1 slice          1.9 grams
Oatmeal                           1 cup          4.0 gms
Bread (Whole Grains)   1 slice          1.9 gms
Bread (mixed grains)    1 slice          1.7 gms
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

Nuts and seeds

Many types of diseases can also be avoided by consuming nuts and seeds, just like legumes and pulses. According to a research published on the NCBI website, nuts contain nutrients such as protein, fiber, minerals, tocopherol (a type of vitamin-E), phytosterols and phenolic. These nutrients can help keep many problems away from diabetes, heart disease, stones, high blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation. The most popular nuts include almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and pistachios. In addition, pine nuts, cashews, pecans, macadamia, peanuts and Brazil nuts are also beneficial for health .
Fiber content: 100 grams of nuts and seeds can contain 4 grams to 11 grams of fiber. 

Here we are telling the amount of fiber found in different nuts and seeds .

Nuts and Seeds               Fiber Amount (Per 100 grams)
Almonds                                8.8 grams
Brazil nuts (dried)               8.5 g
Cashew                                  5.9 grams
Hazelnuts                              10.4 grams
Macadamia nuts                  6.0 g
Peanut                                    8.5 g
Pecans                                    8.4 grams
Pine Nuts (Dried)                 3.7 grams
Pistachio                                9.0 grams
Walnut                                   6.4 grams
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

The fruit

Fruits are also found in good amount of fiber.  You can eat fruits in the same way or as juice.  The fiber present in fruits can not only be beneficial in reducing weight, but can also be beneficial for good health .  Here we are talking about some fruits, which are not only rich in fiber, but can also be beneficial for health.

Jackfruit: Ripe jackfruit is counted among the largest fruits.  The sweeter it is in food, the more beneficial it is.  According to a research published on NCBI website, it contains fiber as well as nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.  In addition, jackfruit has anticarcinogenic (anti-cancer properties), anti-microbial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and hypoglycemic properties.  Jackfruit is used extensively in medicine because of these nutrients and properties .  The yellow pulp of ripe jackfruit can be eaten with ease.  In addition, it can also be used to make pickles.
 Fiber content: 1.5 grams  per 100 grams.   
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

Apple: It is said that consuming an apple daily can be beneficial in curing many diseases.  The use of apples can be beneficial for good health.  According to a research published on NCBI, it has the properties to overcome problems like diabetes, heart disease and asthma.  In addition, the anti-oxidant properties found in it can work to keep the body healthy by reducing oxidative stress.  In addition, apple contains nutrients such as vitamin-E, vitamin-C, retinol, and beta-carotene, which can be beneficial for health in many ways .  You can consume apple, make juice and drink it or put it in the fruit salad and eat it.
 Fiber content: 2.4 grams  per 100 grams.  
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

Watermelon: According to a research published on NCBI website, use of watermelon can be beneficial in many ways for health.  Watermelon can be effective in controlling obesity causing heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.  Also it can be beneficial in protecting from heart related problems.  In addition, it contains nutrients such as vitamin-A, vitamin-C, fiber, potassium, lycopene and carotenoids, which can be beneficial for good health .  You can consume a small amount of watermelon daily.
Fiber content: 0.4 grams per 100 grams .

Pomegranate: It can be consumed to overcome many physical problems.  According to a research published on NCBI, pomegranate has antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties.  These properties found in pomegranate can be helpful in reducing hypertension, high cholesterol, oxidative stress, hyperglycemia and inflammatory diseases and their symptoms.  Fiber in apples as well as nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium can have positive effects on health omegranate can also be used as juice and by mixing its grains in salads.
 Fiber content: 4 grams per 100 grams .  
Fiber Rich Food
Fiber Rich Food  

After knowing the fiber-rich foods, here we are going to say about some special fiber supplements.

Can fiber supplements be beneficial for health?
According to a research published on the NCBI website, fiber supplements are not as beneficial for health as those containing fiber. While there are many fiber supplements in the market, only a few are good for health .

In the last part of the article we are talking about some of the disadvantages of fiber.

Side effects of excess fiber in the body:
The benefits of consuming fiber-rich foods can only be achieved by consuming the right amount. Excess intake of this can cause the following problems .

Stomach cramps.
Difficulty in excretion of feces.
Rectal bleeding.
Flatulence or stomachache

Through the article, you must have understood how important fiber is for digestion as well as many other health benefits. It is considered most beneficial to be taken through diet. This is the reason why doctors recommend taking fiber rich food instead of supplements. Fiber not only keeps the stomach fit, but also protects it from other health related problems.


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