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Healthy Fast Food Breakfast


Breakfast is usually the most important meal of the day, actually, nutritionist have always recommended that any person should eat nutritious and energy giving food in the morning so that you can be guaranteed of a good day ahead.

However, most people have limited time in the morning to sit down and eat a Healthy Fast Food Breakfast. They end up grabbing a very simple snack that probably is not healthy at all in a hurry to avoid the traffic jam or to catch up with the next train or bus.

At times it becomes even harder if you keenly watching your body weight and health. However, you need not worry because there is a variety of healthy fast food available that you can choose from.

Healthy Fast Food Breakfast

According to research, fast foods can only be beneficial if consumed in correct amounts. Therefore, the aspect of care is introduced here when selecting the right meal for yourself.

Fast foods
When you decide to have a meal in the morning, whether in a hotel or that you have prepared in the house, you need to always think whether the morning meal that you are about to take is a healthy fast food breakfast. There are various food components that are supposed to be in your meal, they include the following :
Fibre is a critical category of food that you would wish to have and especially during breakfast time. Whenever someone thinks of preparing a healthy fast food meal, there is a need to think seriously whether your food will have fibre. Fibre helps your body in digestion and also lowers the risks of having diabetes. Your breakfast meal will be considered having fibre once you incorporate vegetables and fruits in the meal – they are known to be rich in fibre.
Calories are majorly for giving the body the much-needed energy that will help any person to carry out his or her activities normally without getting tired quickly.
Calories happen to be the most important component of food that everyone should ensure are on the table every morning when eating breakfast. So as to ensure that you have eaten healthy fast food that has a good amount of calories, your breakfast meal should have the following;-
Carbohydrates are also very vital and can be found in foods like, whole grain cereals, bread, beans, potatoes, and others.
Proteins also offer nice calories that are needed by your body; you can add milk products, eggs, fish and meat in your breakfast to ensure that you get calories in your breakfast meal.
It is recommended that a sizeable quantity of fat in your breakfast meal helps. You can get saturated fat from eggs, coconut, butter, and meat.
Doctors and nutritionist always have highly recommended that people use the unsaturated fat rather as is it is low in cholesterol rather then the saturated fat that is very high in cholesterol and may lead to heart attacks.
Apart from proteins being a good source of calories, they are an important category of food that everyone must ensure are in the breakfast table so as to enable a person to have a Healthy Fast Food Breakfast. Protein is available in all animal products that you decide to add in your breakfast plate.
Vitamins are known to prevent sickness, and thus are very essential to any meal that is taken and especially breakfast. It is always good to ensure that they are incorporated. The good sources of vitamins are in fruits and half-cooked or raw vegetables.

Guidelines for selecting healthy fast foods:
1) One important thing you need to do when you enter any café is to pay specific attention to what is written on the menu. Dishes that fall under the category of pan-fried, deep-fried, and breaded among others should be ignored. This because such meals always have calories in them. If you are that person that is keen on maintaining body weight, then such meals should be strictly avoided. Additionally, you to also be a vigil on cream sauces.
2) Another guideline to healthy fast foods is you can make your own order even if it is not on the menu. Since you are hungry and do not want to risk your health, you can try this method. For instance, you can make an order of an avocado. The way some dishes are portrayed in the menu is so alluring that you can find yourself going for one without even an aforethought. You need to bear in mind that in business, the goal of most people is to make money. The greatest mistake you can ever do is assuming.
3) If you are a meat lover then you can go for lean meat. Some of the healthy lean meats available in most cafes include chicken breast, lean, and lean ham among others. You should, however, resist any breaded or fried meat. Another guideline to healthy fast food is being vigil on the size of the dishes presented to you at the café. Its good practice not to go for large size dishes. These dishes may contain calories which are not good for a healthy living.
In conclusion, people need to have knowledge when it comes to making food choices. Most of our food choices are uninformed and this leads us to acquire a certain terrible disease.

Fast food recipes:-

    Macdonald`s Big Basket
    Macdonald`s Big Basket

Straight away let’s go into the Healthy Fast food breakfasts that one might consider. One meal in this category is Macdonald’s big breakfast. This food is usually found in most hotels. It is always served with pancakes. Eggs and biscuit among others. This is a special diet that helps in the burning down of calories in your body. The burning down of calories is important in keeping the body healthy and free from weight-related issues.

Another fast-food breakfast you want to consider is that of Egg McMuffin. It has 
low-calorie content, a high vitamin, carbohydrates and fibre. This food is in itself healthy because it contains essential nutrients.

Egg Muffin
Egg Muffins

 Let us focus on the importance of each nutrient. First, vitamins are so vital in the development of the body. Vitamins are known for the protection they offer the body.

 Additionally, vitamins are used in the breakdown of fats in the body. Fats breakdown is so important in the sense that its accumulation leads to the acquisition of terrible diseases like heart diseases.
 Carbohydrates are vital in the building of the body. In other words, they are instrumental in the shaping of the anatomy.

Finally, fibre is important in the growth and development of the body. This fat food can be found in almost all restaurants. You can either choose to take it at the café or eat it on your way to work. It does not take a long time to get prepared. That is to say that once you order it in a café, it would take only a matter of a few minutes before it is presented to you. This food can also be prepared at home. It can also be eaten alongside any meal of choice.
include fats, fibre, sodium and protein among others. It is a meal that you can eat as you drive to you.

You need to also consider hotcakes that are without margarine or syrup. Some of its ingredients workplace. Based on its nutritive value, it’s a healthy food you do not want to miss. In fact, many people prefer it because it takes a short time to get prepared. It can be served with a cup of tea or with a fruit salad.
Halloween cakes: 
Serve these cakes at a Halloween party, or box them up for impressive ‘take-home gifts. They look particularly stunning on a dark plate or cloth.
Makes: 18
Prep: 1 ½ hour, plus cooling
Cook: 40 minutes                                             
A little lightly salted butter, for greasing
2 quantities Orange Sponge mixture
2 tbsp lemon juice                                                 
Halloween Chocolate Cake
Halloween Chocolate Cake
2 tbsp orange juice
3 tbsp runny honey
6 tbsp apricot jam
2 tbsp hot water
Orange food colouring
750 g/1 lb 10 oz white ready-to-roll icing
Icing sugar, for dusting
55 g/2 oz plain chocolate, roughly chopped
Several soft green jellies
20 small Oreo cookies, filling removed

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas mark 4. Grease and line the base and sides of a 26-cm/10 ½-inch x 8 ½-inch roasting tin or similar sized tin. Grease the baking paper.
2. Turn the cake mixture into the tin and level the surface. Bake in the preheated oven for 40 minutes, or until risen and just firm to the touch. After keeping for 10 minutes in the tin, transfer it to a wire rack to cool.
3. If the cake has risen in the centre, cut off a thin slice with a large knife. Using a 6-cm/ 2 ½-inch half-moon cutter as a guide, cut out shapes from the sponge. Turn the cakes over so that the base forms a flat top.
4. Mix the juices with the honey a small jug and drizzle over the surface of the cakes so syrup seeps into the sponge. Press the jam through a small sieve into a bowl and stir in the hot water. Brush this mixture over the tops and sides of cakes.
5. Knead orange food colouring into the ready-to-roll icing. Roll out 40 g/1 ½ oz of the icing on a surface lightly dusted with icing sugar to an oval 15 cm x 10 cm/6-inches x 4 inches. Lift it over a half-moon cake and fit it around the sides, pinching the icing together at the points. Cut off the excess at these points and then cut around the base of the cake. Repeat with the remain cakes, reserving the icing trimmings.
6. Put the chocolate in a heatproof bowl, set the bowl over a saucepan of gently simmering water and heat until melted. Put the chocolate in a small paper piping bag and snit off the tip. Colour the icing trimmings a deeper orange and shape them into small balls. Mark  ‘pumpkin’ ridges with the back of a knife. Cut small pieces of soft jelly and push them into the tops for stalks, securing with chocolate.
7. To shape bats, heat an Oreo cookie in the microwave until it’s soft (this will take 1 ½-2 minutes, but check after a minute). Cut a circle from one side with a 2.5-cm/ ½ – inch cutter. Cut small flutes from the opposite sides with a 1.5-cm/ ½-inch cutter. Secure the decorations in the place with chocolate and pipe bat eyes and extra bats around the sides of the cakes.

 Mushroom Burger
 It’s worth making your own burgers to cut down on fat- in these, the meat is extended with mushrooms for extra fibre.
Ingredients Serves 4 1small onion, chopped 150g/5oz/2 cup small cup mushrooms
50g/2oz/1cup fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs 5 ml/1 tsp dried mixed herbs 15ml/1tsp tomato puree Plain flour, for shaping
1 place the onion and mushrooms in a food processor and process until finely chopped. Add the bread crumbs, herbs, tomato puree and seasoning. Process for a few seconds, until the mixture, blinds together but still has some texture.
2 Divide the mixture into four, then press into burger shapes using lightly floured hands.
3 to cook, place the burgers on a microwave proof roasting rack and microwave, uncovered, for 6-7 minutes, turning over once. Leave to stand for 2-3 minutes.
4 Alternatively, for a browner and crisper result, preheat a microwave browning dish according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Add the burgers, pressing down well on to the base and microwave on high for 5-5 ½ minutes, truing over once. Leave to stand for 2-3 minutes. Serve with relish and lettuce, in a burger bun or pitta bread. This recipe is suitable for cooking in combination microwave. Follow the oven manufacturer’s timing guide for good results.
Salt and ground black pepper relish, lettuce, burger buns or pitta bread, to serve
Plain flour, for shaping Salt and ground black pepper relish, lettuce, burger buns or pitta bread, to serve.

Double Mushroom Burger
Double Mushroom Burger

Tuna and Mixed Vegetable Pasta
Cook this simple and very speedy sauce in a microwave while the paste cooks conventionally.
Serves 4

30ml/ 2 tbsp olive oil

175g/6oz/1 ½ cups button mushrooms, sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
½ red pepper, seeded and chopped
15ml/1 tbsp tomato puree
300ml/ ½ pint/1 ¼ cups tomato juice
115g/4 oz frozen peas
15-30ml/1-2 tbsp drained pickled green peppercorns, crushed
275g/ 10 oz/2 ½ cups whole wheat pasta shapes
200g/7 oz can tuna chunks in brine, drained
6 spring onions, diagonally sliced
1 Place the oil in a microwave-proof bowl with the mushrooms, garlic and pepper. Cover and microwave on HIGH for 4 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking. Stir in the tomato puree, then add the tomato juice, peas and some or all of the crushed peppercorns, depending on how spicy you like the sauce.
2 Cover the bowl and microwave on HIGH for a further 4 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking.
3 Bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to the boil on the hob and cook the pasta for about 12 minutes, or according to the packet instructions, until just tender. When the pasta is almost ready, add the tuna to the sauce and microwave on HIGH for 1 minute to heat thought. Stir in the spring onions. Drain the pasta and tip it into a warmed bowl. Pour the sauce over the pasta and toss to mix. Serve at once.
Pasta Salad Olive
Pasta Salad olive


As for me, fast food is a great decision if you need fast and tasty food, but only sometimes. At all, this unhealthy lifestyle can bring you many problems. So, if you want to keep fit and save your health you should do sport and eat more homemade healthy fast food breakfast which is more delicious and undangerous.


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