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Healthy Breakfast Foods For Kids


Preparing Healthy Breakfast Foods for your kids is straightforward. Letting them finish the food that you simply have prepared is another story. However, there are ways on how you'll have your children eat the healthy foods that you simply made while enjoying them. It all takes a slight imagination and a few servings of patience too.


Children who regularly eat a Healthy Breakfast Foods are more likely to:
·         Meet daily nutrient requirements  
·         Miss fewer days of school
·         Be able to concentrate
·         Be at a healthy body weight
Healthy Breakfast Foods For Kids

 Here are some recommended foods for kids :

Pancakes for Picky Eaters:

 Let your kids measure 4oz wholemeal flour, ½ pint milk and a couple of eggs for the batter, and fill with a choice of fillings including low-fat cheese, lean ham and corn, roasted peppers and chicken, tuna mayonnaise, grilled mushrooms. You can also do sweets such as honey, pureed fruit, fresh berries, thinly sliced apple or mashed banana with cinnamon. Getting your kids involved in measuring and eve cooking their meal makes them interested and obliges them to finish their food.


Breakfast Smiley Face:

 This is simple, yet healthy and quick to prepare. In a plate, arrange 2 grilled button mushrooms for the eyes, 1 grilled cherry tomato for the nose and a line of scrambled eggs or baked beans for the mouth. Make sure that the face is smiling.
Dish for The Kids

Funky Chunky Fruit Kebabs

Healthy breakfast foods at their best-using berries, grapes, small pieces of melon, pineapple chunks and other bite-sized pieces on sticks and let your child dip them into yoghurt or fromage frais.
Mix Fruits

Smooth Dude Smoothie

Blend together ½ cup nonfat Greek-style yoghurt with a little ice, half banana and/or 4oz strawberries, ¼ cup skimmed milk for a refreshing Healthy Breakfast Foods smoothie.
Banana yoghurt smoothie

Berry Mess

Mix 4 oz low fat fromage frais, 1 ½ oz crushed low-fat cookies, 4 ox mixed berries and 1 tsp honey or maple syrup and serve in a little glass or bowl.
Berries with healthy water

Cheesy Monsters

Cut or mould this dough into monster shapes and bake at 425F for 8 minutes. Shred 2 oz low fat cheese, add pinch mustard powder, 2 oz reduced-fat butter, 1 egg yolk, 3oz wholemeal flour and 1 tsp leaven. Serve these Healthy Breakfast Foods with a touch dish.

Cheese Bread

Pirates Breakfast

When preparing eggs over easy, cut your egg into a skull-shaped figure and arrange two rashers of grilled bacon as crossbones underneath. Children love eating food within the shapes of themes they love.
funny breakfast

 Nuts Muesli

Make a bulk quantity of Healthy Breakfast Foods and confine an airtight container. A good combination of youngsters is 1lb porridge oats, 1 lb edible fruit and mixed nuts, ½ lb whole-wheat cereal flakes and a cup of mixed seeds. For a change from milk serve with grated apple and fruit juice, or natural yoghurt, or touch honey, or a touch little bit of everything. Warmed milk is also good on a cold day.
Muesli And Nuts

Bran Muffins

Muffins  which are Stored in shop  generally loaded with calories so prepare  your Healthy Breakfast foods for your kids  with 8oz wholemeal flour, pinch salt, 1 tsp baking powder,, 2 egg whites, 2 oz sweetener powder, 2 oz bran cereal, ¼ cup vegetable oil. Soften the bran cereal within the milk then mix everything and divide into 12 muffin cases. Add some blueberries and bake at 400F for 20 minutes.
Fresh Muffins

Banana Bread

Get fruit into your children at mealtime with this Healthy Breakfast Foods recipe. Mash three ripe bananas and mix together with 1/3 cup reduced-fat melted butter, ¾ cup sweetener powder, 1 beaten egg, 1 tsp vanilla extract, pinch salt and 1 ½ cups wholemeal flour and 1 tsp baking powder. Bake in a greased loaf tin for 1 hour. This is our healthier banana bread version, but I still like the original version though.
Banana Bread


In conclusion, it can be said that Healthy Breakfast Foods For Kids are most essential for their lifelong health because it is the time to build a pillar for an enormous healthy life. Good nutrition is key for children’s current and future health, also as their development and learning. The profit of developing a healthy lifestyle and dietary patterns from an early age onwards can definitely impact on people’s health and nutrition during their adult lives, and improve the productivity of individuals and nations.


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